Spring Cleaning Tip: Get Rid of Clutter in Your Garage

If your garage is filled with a variety of items like tools, athletic gear, and many things that don't seem to have a convenient storage space anywhere else in your home, you might be putting off your spring cleaning duties because you just don't want to tackle the challenge of finding a place for everything. Rather than leaving the spring cleaning for later in the year, you can clean up the clutter with a few handy garage organization tips.
First and foremost, you need to visualize how you want your garage items to be stored. If you need cupboards, compartments, or cabinets, you should decide which are most vital and what sizes they should be. The easiest way to do this is by determining what you've got and the best way to store them. We specialize in custom storage solutions and can provide you with a perfect storage system for your garage that will give you the room you need to store all of your items while taking up as little of the garage's usable space as possible. After we have worked with you to design and install a custom storage solution in your garage that best fits your needs, it's up to you to make sure all of your garage gear is tucked away properly. As you sort and store, you should also purge and get rid of items that are broken, unused, or no longer wanted. Start spring cleaning your garage, and contact us to learn more about getting a free design consultation from one of our space planning experts.