Image: Artisan Custom Closets
One of the biggest problems people face with getting their closets organized isn't a closet issue at all; it's an issue of having way more clothes than they actually wear. People often hang on to clothes for sentimental reasons and hope to be able to wear them again, and this is all well and good sometimes. But if you know you want to whittle down your too-full wardrobe but aren't quite sure where to start, we suggest you check out a great Apartment Therapy post we just came across: "Clothes Closet Cleanout: Tips for Paring Down." The author understands that it's difficult to part with some items, but offers really helpful tips for getting your wardrobe in shape and narrowed down to the clothes you wear and like. Visit Apartment Therapy to check out the article. Does your closet need more help than just whittling down the clothing it contains? Artisan Custom Closets in Dallas, GA offers custom closet solutions for Atlanta-area homeowners.